

Lycoming IO-540-S1A5

Original price was: $14,700.00.Current price is: $7,800.00.

Out of stock

Product DA : Product Number: IO-540-S1A5 Categories: , ,

Log books lost in a fire. The owner offered the last annual entry from his records on his computer.


The flange run out dialed at .002 [within in factory new limits]

Die Penetrant Test was great. No discrepancies to note.


5-23-2017 Tach 7845.1 SMOH 1295.0 STOP 1114.0

Changed oil and filter. Refilled with X/C 20-50 and Camguard. Cleaned, gapped and rotated spark plugs. Checked mag timing, replaced RH mag gasket between spacer and accessory case. Check compressions: #1 76 #2 75 #3 76 #4 73 #5 75 #6 72. C/W AD 03-14-03 by inspection of fuel pump, OK, next due at tach 7895.1. C/W AD 15-19-07 by inspection of fuel injector lines, OK, next due at tach 7945.1. Washed engine. Ran engine, operational check satisfactory.

This engine has been inspected in accordance with an ANNUAL inspection and was determined to be airworthy.